
Time Quick Look: Time has been published as a weekly news magazine since 1923, with it's iconic red-bordered cover ubiquitously seen on news stands and at checkout aisles across the country. But Time also reports on U.S. and World events through videos on Time.com. The Time Roku channel provides access to these videos.

You'll find videos in the categories of U.S., World, Entertainment, and Technology & Science; each of these generally runs from about 1 to 5 minutes in length, though there are a few that go as long as 10 minutes. Also available are several "Red Border Films", which are documentaries that are reported more deeply than the typical news video.

An example news video from Time's Roku channel can be found here: Watch the Highs and Lows of 2014 in 165 Seconds

-- Information is current as of December 24, 2014

Developer's Channel Description: With 24/7 reporting from around the world, TIME puts the global news of the moment into context - shaping the conversation and illuminating events in its own distinct style. Analytical and insightful, lively and engaging, TIME.com tells the larger story about the world we live in.

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