Quick Look: IQ2US Debates is a collection of debates on topics ranging from Genetically Modified Food and Artificial Intelligence to the Legalization of Drugs and Abolish the Minimum Wage. The videos are available in the following categories:
- Featured
- New
- Most Viewed
- 2-minute Debates with Newsy
- U.S.
- World
- Politics
- Economics/Finance
- Culture
- Tech
- Science
- Religion
- Law
- Environment/Energy
- Education
- Health
- Sports
The debates are held by a panel of experts including Anne-Marie Slaughter, David Miliband, Aubrey de Grey, Michèle Flournoy, Scott Turow, Chrystia Freeland, Michael Hayden, Andrew Solomon, John Yoo, Arianna Huffington, Malcolm Gladwell, Laura Ingraham, David Brooks, Peter Thiel, Paul Krugman, and Eliot Spitzer. Their "mission is to provide a new forum for intelligent discussion, grounded in facts and informed by reasoned analysis; to transcend the toxically emotional and the reflexively ideological; and to encourage recognition that the opposing side has intellectually respectable views."
A sample video from the IQ2US Debates YouTube channel can be viewed below.
-- Information is current as of August 1, 2016
Developer's Channel Description: America's Debate Series: Intelligence Squared U.S. brings two opposing sides together for a series of provocative debates. Hear famous thought leaders, journalists, business visionaries, public officials and best-selling authors go head-to-head on critical issues, live on stage
DEVELOPER: Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates
FEES: None
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