
Quick Look: FlickstreamTV-Grindhouse plays randomly-selected grindhouse films, with a different title starting each time you launch the channel. There's no pause on this channel, so if you like a video you better be prepared to stay put to the end - just like broadcast TV with no VCR.

Videos that played during our review were of rather poor video quality, and more than one were obviously transferred from a cheap VHS player. The channel does not provide titles or any other information about the movie being played, but during our review we saw Deathmoon, a 1978 made-for-TV movie in which a manager is sent to vacation by his doctor and every night transforms into a werewolf and horribly slays young women; and She Demons, a 1958 black-and-white film where two people end up on an uncharted tropical island, are captured by an ex-Nazi colonel who has imprisoned beauty contest winners whom he allows to be whipped by his slavering Nazi storm troopers.

-- Information is current as of March 2, 2018

Developer's Channel Description: FlickstreamTV-Grindhouse features hundreds of the Grindhouse movies from the 70's and 80's all streamed in a live format to your Roku device

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DEVELOPER: Flickstream.com

FEES: None