The Knowledge Network

The Knowledge Network Quick Look: This Roku channel offers science-themed videos from sources associated with the National Science Foundation. Over two dozen series are available on a variety of topics. Series titles include Mystery of the Cosmos - Shedding light on some of the universe's biggest questions; To What Degree? - What science is telling us aobut climate change; Inside Science TV - News vignettes about cutting-edge research and science; and The Science of Speed - NASCAR racing through the lens of science.

In addition to the video series, The Knowledge Network offers videos in the following categories: "Quick Pix" - Get your science in fix in five minutes or less; "Diving Deeper" - Fulfill your longing for science with these longer shows; and "tKN Livestream" - Where science lives 24/7.

-- Information is current as of July 19, 2013

Developer's Channel Description: Step into the extraordinary world of scientific exploration! Enjoy news, features, documentaries and more about all things science, engineering and technology. Experience the breakthroughs and meet the researchers who will change our lives.

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CHANNEL STORE CATEGORY: Science & Technology

FEES: None