Dude Food

Dude FoodQuick Look: Dude Food is a cooking show for guys. The show is hosted by Sean Michael Beyer and "sometimes" Adam Carbone. Together they try to create a healthier version of many popular "bachelor" diet staples.

The recipes are very easy to follow and trend towards the healthier side: Baking in lieu of frying, low(er) fat cooking, and vegetarian alternatives. The recipes are separated into various categories including but not limited to: Everyday, High Protein, Low Sugar, Parties, Tailgating, Baked. The videos provide all the information you need to successfully make a delicious and healthy dish including measured ingredients and cooking time and temperature.

-- Information is current as of May 28, 2014

Developer's Channel Description: Because they will make you laugh and teach you how to make some tasty Dude Foods in the process. Exclusive content, hard to find elsewhere. Sean is in charge of the carnivore dishes, while Adam puts a veggie spin on familiar fare.

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DEVELOPER: Future Today Inc

FEES: None

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