9 Bit

9 Bit is a video gaming channel that provides information and recommendations about games, gaming systems, and events and expos for the gaming community. In addition to these videos you can also find a collection of gaming programming, PC games, mobile gaming and thought on variious games.

Many of the games featured here are not the mainstream games such as Fortnite, Roblox, or Rocket League. Instead you will find titles that include OverCooked! All you Can Eat, Street Power Soccer, Trash Sailors. and Ooblets. A fair of content seems to the sourced from 1 Rule Be Cool, such as the example video below.

-- Information is current as of March 31, 2022

Developer's Channel Description: News, reviews, interviews and more from the world of gaming! Indie games, AAA titles and more are all explored here and on the road at shows like PAX East and Indiecade- if you're into video games, you must check out 9 Bit.

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DEVELOPER: simplyME Distribution

FEES: None