Political Fiction Theater

Private Channel Notice!

Roku has removed all private (non-certified) channels from Roku devices and this channel is no longer available. See this article for more information.

Watch as elected officials get away with crimes

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Channel Description: This channel is now available as a Public channel on Roku.com. The add channel tab will redirect you to the proper location. Political Fiction Theater takes a look at how local government-appointed officials from around the country are inexplicably excused for their mishaps. The show's format is similar to the Mystery Science Theater 3000 where "audience members" comment on the news stories, poking fun at them, making sound effects, ad lib commentary etc.

There are currently 10 videos available, with new content promised to be added on weekly or as it becomes available.

Below is a sample video from the Political Fiction Theater YouTube channel.

FEES: None

Political Fiction Theater on YouTube

-- Information is current as of September 28, 2016