Fantasy Relaxation Channel

Quick Look: Fantasy Relaxation Channel provides several 3-hour long musical soundtracks featuring music and surreal images in the following genres:

  • Fantasy Castle
  • Fantasy Gateway
  • Fantasy Ocean
  • Fantasy Light Sounds
  • Fantasy Forest

You can choose any one of the listed categories by using the UP arrow on your Roku remote. Each of these genres offer a different musical backdrop, which may be helpful depending on your mood. The channel is ad-sponsored which will periodically interrupt the soundtrack.

-- Information is current as of June 29, 2016

Developer's Channel Description: Relax with imaginative, Fantasy music that will take your mind and heart soaring! Enjoy epic scores and delightful, long running relaxation music you can listen to all day long! This channel works like a screensaver with stunning photos of images of breathtaking forests and surreal castles!

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DEVELOPER: Evonne Mandella

FEES: None