ARCTIC ONE PRODUCTIONS advertises "Music Videos, Album Rock, Top40/EDM Tunes, Original animated cartoons, [and] Streaming Virtual Concerts." The Roku app provides no content until you subscribe. Likewise, the Arctic One website doesn't provide any streamable content (only a handful of video thumbnails) until you subscribe. The website does, however, promise to let you "watch the best in todays music videos, listen to current alternative rock as well as top40/EDM/Dance genres, along with contemporary animated cartoons, and visualize our streaming virtual rock concert series" once you pay $0.99/month. Sorry, but we didn't find this channel compelling enough to spend a dollar on it and you'll have to check it out for yourself (with your own dollar) if it interests you. Otherwise, we recommend Vevo for music videos.
-- Information is current as of July 8, 2022
Developer's Channel Description: You can watch the best in todays music videos, listen to current alternative rock as well as top40/EDM/Dance genres, along with contemporary animated cartoons, and visualize our streaming virtual rock concert series
DEVELOPER: TVstartup.com
FEES: $0.99/month